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Q-Interline wins ground-breaking order from worldwide dairy

After testing the DairyQuant GO for five months, the third largest dairy group in the world has just signed an agreement to purchase several instruments for dairies in France and Belgium. The order does not change the guidance for 2023.

One of the largest dairies in the world just signed an agreement to buy two DairyQuant GO instruments for a dairy in Belgium and one for a dairy in France. The dairy produces both dairy products and plant based drinks for the global market. The agreement once again underlines the quality and relevance of Q-Interline’s technology and analytical solutions, not just for smaller food production sites but also for giant customers like the third largest dairy in the world with presence in 120 countries and a yearly turnover of some 27 bill. EUR.

According to CEO Martin R. Henriksen this order is another proof-of-product and proof-of-technology on highest international level for the Danish engineering company based in Tølløse in West Zealand, Denmark.

“Again, we have proven our relevance and importance in the global dairy industry with this milestone order. Many dairies and companies in the food industry are already using our technology. But now, one of the largest food tech players in the world has tested and decided, after a longer test period, to invest in our analytical solution to ensure their product quality, optimize their production process, and reduce waste of raw material. We have succeeded in getting approved as supplier for this international company with huge potential for additional sale in several countries worldwide. This is another proof for our investors, that our technology is attractive even with the largest most demanding players in the market,” says CEO Martin R. Henriksen.

The CEO underlines that Q-Interline can run tests simultaneously in several countries and thereby develop our solutions for a global market constantly asking for solutions to ensure product quality and optimize both operations and output and reduce waste.

The global dairy will now be analysing their products using unique technology from Western Zealand

The customer has tested the analytical instrument, DairyQuant GO, in their production site in Belgium, France, and USA since January 2023.

The customer will be using the instrument to analyse the content and quality of their plant based drinks. DairyQuant GO is particularly suited for analysing plant based drinks as it has been developed to solve a number of the challenges the dairies are having with the traditional technology.

“We have developed a technologically superior solution. Using the DairyQuant GO, the product is not in contact with the instrument as you use a Pivette® for the sample. This way you can analyse even troublesome and complex product samples. On top of this, the instrument needs no cleaning between samples which most traditional analytical solutions need,” CEO Martin R. Henriksen continues.

Renewed optimism within the dairy industry after last year’s crisis.

Q-Interline’s technology improves the dairy- and food producers’ ability to run a more sustainable and profitable business. This order again shows the important role the Danish engineering company has in optimization of the world’s raw material utilization. We now see an optimism across several industries and markets and customers are again ready to invest in new technology.

“This order across several countries is crucial to our international brand awareness and our position in the market. The order supports our ambitious guidance for 2023 and creates a solid foundation for our future growth,” says CEO Martin R. Henriksen.

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